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MITAN chiude per ferie estive

AVVISO PER LA GENTILE CLIENTELA:   MITAN ferma le attività per permettere le ferie estive ai propri dipendenti da lunedì 10 a venerdì 21 agosto 2015.   Garantiamo la spedizione del materiale a stock per ordini inseriti entro mercoledì 5 agosto.   Le normali attività riprenderanno lunedì 24 agosto.   MITAN s.r.l.

New CKM-series Headends with COFDM input (PREMIUM applications)

Mitan introduces to the market a significant enhancement in its CKM-serie headends family. New models are available with DVB-T input…

New Mitan Supervisor

The new revised version of Mitan Supervisor is available, to easily control and configure the CKM headends…

New SMART kits are available

Mitan has introduced the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) technology inside mast amplifiers since 2011 …now the new SMART antenna kits are available…

Tivùsat agreement renewed for 2014

Mitan has renewed also for 2014 the partnership agreement with Tivusat. Mitan is an authorized distributor for professional CAMs and for Tivusat hospitality smartcards, in bundle with its CKM/RKM digital headends…

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